All the
intervening days of his life and ministry were filled with ceaseless prayer. On
at least seven other occasions it is stated that he was praying: at his
baptism, ch. 3:21; after healing the leper, ch. 5:16; before choosing his
disciples, ch. 6:12; before Peter's great confession, ch. 9:18; at his
transfiguration, ch. 9:29; before teaching his disciples to pray, ch. 11:1; in
the first agonies of crucifixion, ch. 23:34. So, too, he taught his disciples
to pray with importunity, ch. 11:5-10, with perseverance, ch. 18:1-7, and with
penitence, ch. 18:9-14.
Charles R. Erdman, The Gospel of Luke, An Exposition at 11 (Philadelphia Westminster Press 1936).