I first discovered Peter Leithart’s writings in the pages of Pro Ecclesia and First Things. Even his earliest writings are striking for their creative engagement with the Christian tradition and for their superb rhetorical power. When I turned to his books, I found a sacramental and political theologian for the whole Church. Writing from a strongly Reformed, evangelical perspective, Peter manifests a wonderful love for Christ and for Christ’s scriptural word in all its dimensions. Indeed Peter’s love for Christ, and the distinctive way in which he has learned from those who have loved Christ in centuries past, overflows into theological and pastoral writings that put merely academic writings to shame. By God’s grace, he is energizing a “new evangelization” within Reformed and evangelical circles that will bear great fruit for all Christians, especially with regard to helping us to hear and live the gospel in our American context.
http://www.firstthings.com/blogs/leithart/2012/12/trinity-house-matthew-levering-says/ (online post 12/28/2012).